

Animation, Product Design, UI/UX, Visual Design, VR

An immersive picture book experience for paediatric patients

Photograph Courtesy of Children’s National Health System

Photograph Courtesy of Children’s National Health System


Project Brief

Storytime is my fourth-year thesis project. The objective of the project is to create fun and relaxing virtual environments for paediatric patient to help them mitigate any pain, discomfort, stress and/or anxiety during their pre or post-operative care.


Topic & Project Type

4th Year Thesis Project
Individual Project


User Research, Ideation, 3D Modelling and Rendering, Animation, UI/UX, Prototyping & Visual Design


Type & TImeline

Product Design, UI/UX, Visual Design
January 2019 - April 2019


Sketch, Flinto, Illustrator, After Effects, Photoshop, Cinema 4D, Audition and Google Cardboard


App Walkthrough


Link to VR Experiences

Due to time constraints, only a small section of story from the story books were animated to showcase the concept.

Here are the sample 360 scenes from two books in the form of VR experiences. The videos can be viewed using Google Cardboard.


Story Credit: How To Catch a Star by Oliver Jeffers
Audio Credit: How to Catch a Star - A Stop Motion Short Film • James Resendes - Youtube (Used for VR’s audio)


Story Credit: Lost and Found by Oliver Jeffers
Audio Credit: Lost and Found By Oliver Jeffers • Annie's workshop - Youtube (Used for VR’s audio)